Period of Service

Offering a period of service is a wonderful opportunity to share the benefits of the institute’s educational programs with others and grow as an individual. The institute especially encourages youth to consider offering a period of a year or more to support the development of the institute in the region. Those offering a period of service are supported by others in the field, who help them plan out their time, reflect on their activities, and direct them to resources to help them make the most of this opportunity.


The process for applying for a period of service is as follows:

  • Consult with your ABM, regional coordinator, and local team to create a service plan (see button below)

  • Submit the service plan to the Regional Baha'i Council secretary (, who then will share it with the Regional Training Institute Board

  • The Council and Board may provide notes and suggestions to the plan, and an updated plan may be requested

  • Once approved, the period of service may begin!

  • If needed, financial support may be requested through the service plan form

“Appreciating the effectiveness of the institute process, every follower of Bahá’u’lláh will feel a desire to contribute to its advancement in some way—not least, the Bahá’í youth. Institutes know well that releasing the potential possessed by young people is, for them, a sacred charge; we now ask that Bahá’í youth view the future development of the institute in the very same light. At the vanguard of a nine-year, community-wide endeavour to bring the institute to a higher level of functioning, we expect to see a broad movement of youth setting the standard. They should seize every opportunity—in their schools and universities, and in spaces dedicated to work, family, or social interaction—to encourage more and more souls to benefit from the institute’s programmes. Some youth will be able to devote a period of service—perhaps even successive years—to the provision of education, especially to those younger than themselves; for many, support for the institute’s activities will be an ever-present dimension of their lives throughout their own education and as they seek a livelihood from their calling in this world; but for none should it be anything less than a cherished commitment.”

Universal House of Justice, December 30, 2021