Northeast Region Summer of Service

Summer of Service is a region-wide program that invites youth over the age of fifteen to an intensive month of study, service, arts, and fellowship. The program’s aims are twofold:

  • To ensure that youth across the cluster are advancing in their study of institute materials

  • To help them build capacity for service through helping to form and facilitate children’s classes and junior youth groups

The effects of this program have been tremendous on the lives of participants, who have gone on to feel confident in their service at home as teachers and animators and in sharing the teachings of the Faith with their peers.


“Summer of service this year had a massive impact on my identity as a Baha’i and I will forever hold close the relationships I formed. Meeting so many new people and working with them in Boston communities helped me realize how strongly a community is impacted by its members. I also had so many amazing and enlightening conversations about the faith that expanded my knowledge of the faith and inspired me to serve.” — Participant, age 17

 “I entered the SOS program with an already growing understanding and respect for the Universal House of Justice, which had started during my year of service in Haifa. Even with this considered, I felt more connected to the Center of the Faith and the Plans than ever before since returning from that period of service, and for this I am grateful to the program.” — Participant, age 20

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